Saturday, September 12, 2009

Finally, Some Rest For The Weary

Unfortunately, we weren't able to make it out to Utah this summer because of Chris' schizophrenic schedule, so we asked Utah to come to us. Yes, Grandma and Grandpa Dowling were nice enough to fly out and give us a little break. I'm such a wimp about leaving Elise with babysitters, especially for any extended amount of time, so it was nice to spend some time alone with my wonderful husband and not worry about our sweet baby. Thank you, Grandma and Grandpa!

We had some amazing weather while they were here, the humidity was virtually non-existent, so we went sight-seeing! Here we are at the Jefferson Memorial (you'll have to take my word for it).

All those wonderful daydreams I had when I was pregnant could not prepare me for just how precious my little girl would be.

Nor did I ever imagine that at 15 months I'd have to use honey to get a bow to stick to her sparse, but sweet, little strands of hair. :)

1 comment:

Chrissy said...

Yay for Gma & Gpa Dowling! E is getting so old, I can't believe it! She is just gorgeous!